Create a nanoarrow_array_stream from a Polars object | as_nanoarrow_array_stream.polars_data_frame as_nanoarrow_array_stream.polars_series |
Create a Polars DataFrame from an R object | as_polars_df as_polars_df.default as_polars_df.list as_polars_df.NULL as_polars_df.polars_data_frame as_polars_df.polars_group_by as_polars_df.polars_lazy_frame as_polars_df.polars_series |
Create a Polars expression from an R object | as_polars_expr as_polars_expr.character as_polars_expr.default as_polars_expr.NULL as_polars_expr.polars_expr as_polars_expr.polars_series as_polars_expr.raw |
Create a Polars LazyFrame from an R object | as_polars_lf as_polars_lf.default as_polars_lf.polars_lazy_frame |
Create a Polars Series from an R object | as_polars_series as_polars_series.array as_polars_series.ArrowTabular as_polars_series.AsIs as_polars_series.blob as_polars_series.character as_polars_series.clock_duration as_polars_series.clock_sys_time as_polars_series.clock_time_point as_polars_series.clock_zoned_time as_polars_series.Date as_polars_series.default as_polars_series.difftime as_polars_series.double as_polars_series.factor as_polars_series.hms as_polars_series.integer as_polars_series.integer64 as_polars_series.ITime as_polars_series.list as_polars_series.logical as_polars_series.nanoarrow_array as_polars_series.nanoarrow_array_stream as_polars_series.NULL as_polars_series.numeric_version as_polars_series.polars_data_frame as_polars_series.polars_lazy_frame as_polars_series.polars_series as_polars_series.POSIXct as_polars_series.POSIXlt as_polars_series.raw as_polars_series.RecordBatchReader as_polars_series.vctrs_rcrd as_polars_series.vctrs_unspecified |
Export the polars object as a tibble data frame | as_tibble.polars_data_frame as_tibble.polars_lazy_frame |
Export the polars object as an R DataFrame | |
Export the polars object as an R list | as.list.polars_data_frame as.list.polars_lazy_frame |
Check if the object is a polars object | check_list_of_polars_dtype check_polars check_polars_df check_polars_dtype check_polars_expr check_polars_lf check_polars_selector check_polars_series is_list_of_polars_dtype is_polars is_polars_df is_polars_dtype is_polars_expr is_polars_lf is_polars_selector is_polars_series |
Polars column selector function namespace | cs |
Select all columns | cs__all |
Select all columns with alphabetic names (e.g. only letters) | cs__alpha |
Select all columns with alphanumeric names (e.g. only letters and the digits 0-9) | cs__alphanumeric |
Select all binary columns | cs__binary |
Select all boolean columns | cs__boolean |
Select all columns matching the given dtypes | cs__by_dtype |
Select all columns matching the given indices (or range objects) | cs__by_index |
Select all columns matching the given names | cs__by_name |
Select all categorical columns | cs__categorical |
Select columns whose names contain the given literal substring(s) | cs__contains |
Select all date columns | cs__date |
Select all datetime columns | cs__datetime |
Select all decimal columns | cs__decimal |
Select all columns having names consisting only of digits | cs__digit |
Select all duration columns, optionally filtering by time unit | cs__duration |
Select columns that end with the given substring(s) | cs__ends_with |
Select all columns except those matching the given columns, datatypes, or selectors | cs__exclude |
Select the first column in the current scope | cs__first |
Select all float columns. | cs__float |
Select all integer columns. | cs__integer |
Select the last column in the current scope | cs__last |
Select all columns that match the given regex pattern | cs__matches |
Select all numeric columns. | cs__numeric |
Select all signed integer columns | cs__signed_integer |
Select columns that start with the given substring(s) | cs__starts_with |
Select all String (and, optionally, Categorical) string columns. | cs__string |
Select all temporal columns | cs__temporal |
Select all time columns | cs__time |
Select all unsigned integer columns | cs__unsigned_integer |
Return the 'k' smallest rows | dataframe__bottom_k |
Cast DataFrame column(s) to the specified dtype | dataframe__cast |
Create an empty or 'n'-row null-filled copy of the frame | dataframe__clear |
Clone a DataFrame | dataframe__clone |
Summary statistics for a DataFrame. | dataframe__describe |
Remove columns | dataframe__drop |
Drop all rows that contain NaN values | dataframe__drop_nans |
Drop all rows that contain null values | dataframe__drop_nulls |
Check whether the DataFrame is equal to another DataFrame | dataframe__equals |
Explode the frame to long format by exploding the given columns | dataframe__explode |
Fill floating point 'NaN' value with a fill value | dataframe__fill_nan |
Fill null values using the specified value or strategy | dataframe__fill_null |
Filter rows of a DataFrame | dataframe__filter |
Take every nth row in the DataFrame | dataframe__gather_every |
Get a single column by name | dataframe__get_column |
Find the index of a column by name | dataframe__get_column_index |
Get the DataFrame as a list of Series | dataframe__get_columns |
Group a DataFrame | dataframe__group_by |
Group based on a date/time or integer column | dataframe__group_by_dynamic |
Hash and combine the rows in this DataFrame | dataframe__hash_rows |
Get the first 'n' rows | dataframe__head |
Get a mask of all duplicated rows in this DataFrame. | dataframe__is_duplicated |
Returns 'TRUE' if the DataFrame contains no rows. | dataframe__is_empty |
Get a mask of all unique rows in this DataFrame. | dataframe__is_unique |
Join DataFrames | dataframe__join |
Perform joins on nearest keys | dataframe__join_asof |
Perform a join based on one or multiple (in)equality predicates | dataframe__join_where |
Convert an existing DataFrame to a LazyFrame | dataframe__lazy |
Aggregate the columns in the DataFrame to their maximum value | dataframe__max |
Get the maximum value horizontally across columns. | dataframe__max_horizontal |
Aggregate the columns in the DataFrame to their mean value | dataframe__mean |
Take the mean of all values horizontally across columns. | dataframe__mean_horizontal |
Aggregate the columns in the DataFrame to their median value | dataframe__median |
Take two sorted DataFrames and merge them by the sorted key | dataframe__merge_sorted |
Aggregate the columns in the DataFrame to their minimum value | dataframe__min |
Get the minimum value horizontally across columns. | dataframe__min_horizontal |
Get number of chunks used by the ChunkedArrays of this DataFrame | dataframe__n_chunks |
Group by the given columns and return the groups as separate dataframes | dataframe__partition_by |
Pivot a frame from long to wide format | dataframe__pivot |
Aggregate the columns to a unique quantile value | dataframe__quantile |
Rechunk the data in this DataFrame to a contiguous allocation | dataframe__rechunk |
Rename column names | dataframe__rename |
Create rolling groups based on a date/time or integer column | dataframe__rolling |
Sample from this DataFrame | dataframe__sample |
Select and modify columns of a DataFrame | dataframe__select |
Indicate that one or multiple columns are sorted | dataframe__set_sorted |
Shift values by the given number of indices | dataframe__shift |
Get a slice of the DataFrame. | dataframe__slice |
Sort a DataFrame by the given columns | dataframe__sort |
Aggregate the columns of this DataFrame to their standard deviation values | dataframe__std |
Aggregate the columns of this DataFrame to their sum values | dataframe__sum |
Sum all values horizontally across columns. | dataframe__sum_horizontal |
Get the last 'n' rows. | dataframe__tail |
Convert categorical variables into dummy/indicator variables | dataframe__to_dummies |
Select column as Series at index location | dataframe__to_series |
Convert a DataFrame to a Series of type Struct | dataframe__to_struct |
Return the 'k' largest rows | dataframe__top_k |
Transpose a DataFrame over the diagonal | dataframe__transpose |
Drop duplicate rows | dataframe__unique |
Decompose struct columns into separate columns for each of their fields | dataframe__unnest |
Unpivot a frame from wide to long format | dataframe__unpivot |
Unstack a long table to a wide form without doing an aggregation | dataframe__unstack |
Aggregate the columns in the DataFrame to their variance value | dataframe__var |
Modify/append column(s) of a DataFrame | dataframe__with_columns |
Modify/append column(s) of a DataFrame | dataframe__with_columns_seq |
Add a row index as the first column in the DataFrame | dataframe__with_row_index |
Write to comma-separated values (CSV) file | dataframe__write_csv |
Write to Arrow IPC file. | dataframe__write_ipc |
Serialize to JSON representation | dataframe__write_json |
Serialize to newline delimited JSON representation | dataframe__write_ndjson |
Write to Parquet file | dataframe__write_parquet |
Compute absolute values | expr__abs |
Add two expressions | expr__add |
Get the group indexes of the group by operation | expr__agg_groups |
Rename the expression | expr__alias |
Check if all boolean values in a column are true | expr__all |
Apply logical AND on two expressions | expr__and |
Check if any boolean value in a column is true | expr__any |
Append expressions | expr__append |
Approximate count of unique values | expr__approx_n_unique |
Compute inverse cosine | expr__arccos |
Compute inverse hyperbolic cosine | expr__arccosh |
Compute inverse sine | expr__arcsin |
Compute inverse hyperbolic sine | expr__arcsinh |
Compute inverse tangent | expr__arctan |
Compute inverse hyperbolic tangent | expr__arctanh |
Get the index of the maximal value | expr__arg_max |
Get the index of the minimal value | expr__arg_min |
Index of a sort | expr__arg_sort |
Return indices where expression is true | expr__arg_true |
Get the index of the first unique value | expr__arg_unique |
Fill missing values with the next non-null value | expr__backward_fill |
Perform an aggregation of bitwise ANDs. | expr__bitwise_and |
Evaluate the number of set bits. | expr__bitwise_count_ones |
Evaluate the number of unset bits. | expr__bitwise_count_zeros |
Evaluate the number most-significant set bits before seeing an unset bit. | expr__bitwise_leading_ones |
Evaluate the number most-significant unset bits before seeing a set bit. | expr__bitwise_leading_zeros |
Perform an aggregation of bitwise ORs. | expr__bitwise_or |
Evaluate the number least-significant set bits before seeing an unset bit. | expr__bitwise_trailing_ones |
Evaluate the number least-significant unset bits before seeing a set bit. | expr__bitwise_trailing_zeros |
Perform an aggregation of bitwise XORs. | expr__bitwise_xor |
Return the 'k' smallest elements | expr__bottom_k |
Return the elements corresponding to the 'k' smallest elements of the 'by' column(s) | expr__bottom_k_by |
Cast between DataType | expr__cast |
Compute cube root | expr__cbrt |
Rounds up to the nearest integer value | expr__ceil |
Set values outside the given boundaries to the boundary value | expr__clip |
Compute cosine | expr__cos |
Compute hyperbolic cosine | expr__cosh |
Compute cotangent | expr__cot |
Get the number of non-null elements in the column | expr__count |
Return the cumulative count of the non-null values in the column | expr__cum_count |
Return the cumulative max computed at every element. | expr__cum_max |
Return the cumulative min computed at every element. | expr__cum_min |
Return the cumulative product computed at every element. | expr__cum_prod |
Return the cumulative sum computed at every element. | expr__cum_sum |
Return the cumulative count of the non-null values in the column | expr__cumulative_eval |
Bin continuous values into discrete categories | expr__cut |
Convert from radians to degrees | expr__degrees |
Calculate the n-th discrete difference between elements | expr__diff |
Compute the dot/inner product between two Expressions | expr__dot |
Drop all floating point NaN values | expr__drop_nans |
Drop all floating point null values | expr__drop_nulls |
Compute entropy | expr__entropy |
Check equality | expr__eq |
Check equality without 'null' propagation | expr__eq_missing |
Compute exponentially-weighted moving mean | expr__ewm_mean |
Compute time-based exponentially weighted moving average | expr__ewm_mean_by |
Compute exponentially-weighted moving standard deviation | expr__ewm_std |
Compute exponentially-weighted moving variance | expr__ewm_var |
Exclude columns from a multi-column expression. | expr__exclude |
Compute the exponential | expr__exp |
Explode a list expression | expr__explode |
Extend the Series with 'n' copies of a value | expr__extend_constant |
Fill floating point 'NaN' value with a fill value | expr__fill_nan |
Fill floating point null value with a fill value | expr__fill_null |
Filter the expression based on one or more predicate expressions | expr__filter |
Get the first value | expr__first |
Flatten a list or string column | expr__flatten |
Rounds down to the nearest integer value | expr__floor |
Floor divide using two expressions | expr__floordiv expr__floor_div |
Fill missing values with the last non-null value | expr__forward_fill |
Take values by index | expr__gather |
Take every 'n'-th value in the Series and return as a new Series | expr__gather_every |
Check greater or equal inequality | expr__ge |
Return a single value by index | expr__get |
Check greater or equal inequality | expr__gt |
Check whether the expression contains one or more null values | expr__has_nulls |
Hash elements | expr__hash |
Get the first n elements | expr__head |
Bin values into buckets and count their occurrences | expr__hist |
Aggregate values into a list | expr__implode |
Fill null values using interpolation | expr__interpolate |
Fill null values using interpolation based on another column | expr__interpolate_by |
Check if an expression is between the given lower and upper bounds | expr__is_between |
Return a boolean mask indicating duplicated values | expr__is_duplicated |
Check if elements are finite | expr__is_finite |
Return a boolean mask indicating the first occurrence of each distinct value | expr__is_first_distinct |
Check if elements of an expression are present in another expression | expr__is_in |
Check if elements are infinite | expr__is_infinite |
Return a boolean mask indicating the last occurrence of each distinct value | expr__is_last_distinct |
Check if elements are NaN | expr__is_nan |
Check if elements are not NaN | expr__is_not_nan |
Check if elements are not NULL | expr__is_not_null |
Check if elements are NULL | expr__is_null |
Return a boolean mask indicating unique values | expr__is_unique |
Compute the kurtosis (Fisher or Pearson) | expr__kurtosis |
Get the last value | expr__last |
Check lower or equal inequality | expr__le |
Return the number of elements in the column | expr__len |
Get the first n rows | expr__limit |
Compute the logarithm | expr__log |
Compute the base-10 logarithm | expr__log10 |
Compute the natural logarithm plus one | expr__log1p |
Calculate the lower bound | expr__lower_bound |
Check strictly lower inequality | expr__lt |
Apply a custom R function to a whole Series or sequence of Series. | expr__map_batches |
Get the maximum value | expr__max |
Get mean value | expr__mean |
Get median value | expr__median |
Get the minimum value | expr__min |
Modulo using two expressions | expr__mod |
Compute the most occurring value(s) | expr__mode |
Multiply two expressions | expr__mul |
Count unique values | expr__n_unique |
Get the maximum value with NaN | expr__nan_max |
Get the minimum value with NaN | expr__nan_min |
Check inequality | expr__ne |
Check inequality without 'null' propagation | expr__ne_missing |
Negate a boolean expression | expr__not |
Count null values | expr__null_count |
Apply logical OR on two expressions | expr__or |
Compute expressions over the given groups | expr__over |
Computes percentage change between values | expr__pct_change |
Get a boolean mask of the local maximum peaks | expr__peak_max |
Get a boolean mask of the local minimum peaks | expr__peak_min |
Exponentiation using two expressions | expr__pow |
Compute the product of an expression. | expr__product |
Bin continuous values into discrete categories based on their quantiles | expr__qcut |
Get quantile value(s) | expr__quantile |
Convert from degrees to radians | expr__radians |
Assign ranks to data, dealing with ties appropriately | expr__rank |
Create a single chunk of memory for this Series | expr__rechunk |
Reinterpret the underlying bits as a signed/unsigned integer | expr__reinterpret |
Repeat the elements in this Series as specified in the given expression | expr__repeat_by |
Replace the given values by different values of the same data type. | expr__replace |
Replace all values by different values | expr__replace_strict |
Reshape this Expr to a flat Series or a Series of Lists | expr__reshape |
Reverse an expression | expr__reverse |
Compress the column data using run-length encoding | expr__rle |
Get a distinct integer ID for each run of identical values | expr__rle_id |
Create rolling groups based on a temporal or integer column | expr__rolling |
Apply a rolling max over values | expr__rolling_max |
Apply a rolling max based on another column | expr__rolling_max_by |
Apply a rolling mean over values | expr__rolling_mean |
Apply a rolling mean based on another column | expr__rolling_mean_by |
Apply a rolling median over values | expr__rolling_median |
Apply a rolling median based on another column | expr__rolling_median_by |
Apply a rolling min over values | expr__rolling_min |
Apply a rolling min based on another column | expr__rolling_min_by |
Apply a rolling quantile over values | expr__rolling_quantile |
Apply a rolling quantile based on another column | expr__rolling_quantile_by |
Apply a rolling skew over values | expr__rolling_skew |
Apply a rolling standard deviation over values | expr__rolling_std |
Apply a rolling standard deviation based on another column | expr__rolling_std_by |
Apply a rolling sum over values | expr__rolling_sum |
Apply a rolling sum based on another column | expr__rolling_sum_by |
Apply a rolling variance over values | expr__rolling_var |
Apply a rolling variance based on another column | expr__rolling_var_by |
Round underlying floating point data by decimals digits | expr__round |
Round to a number of significant figures | expr__round_sig_figs |
Sample from this expression | expr__sample |
Find indices where elements should be inserted to maintain order | expr__search_sorted |
Flags the expression as "sorted" | expr__set_sorted |
Shift values by the given number of indices | expr__shift |
Shrink numeric columns to the minimal required datatype | expr__shrink_dtype |
Shuffle the contents of this expression | expr__shuffle |
Compute the sign | expr__sign |
Compute sine | expr__sin |
Compute hyperbolic sine | expr__sinh |
Compute the skewness | expr__skew |
Get a slice of this expression | expr__slice |
Sort this expression | expr__sort |
Sort this column by the ordering of another column, or multiple other columns. | expr__sort_by |
Compute square root | expr__sqrt |
Compute the standard deviation | expr__std |
Substract two expressions | expr__sub |
Get sum value | expr__sum |
Get the last n elements | expr__tail |
Compute tangent | expr__tan |
Compute hyperbolic tangent | expr__tanh |
Cast to physical representation of the logical dtype | expr__to_physical |
Return the 'k' largest elements | expr__top_k |
Return the elements corresponding to the 'k' largest elements of the 'by' column(s) | expr__top_k_by |
Divide two expressions | expr__truediv expr__true_div |
Get unique values | expr__unique |
Count unique values in the order of appearance | expr__unique_counts |
Calculate the upper bound | expr__upper_bound |
Count the occurrences of unique values | expr__value_counts |
Compute the variance | expr__var |
Apply logical XOR on two expressions | expr__xor |
Evaluate whether all boolean values are true for every sub-array | expr_arr_all |
Evaluate whether any boolean value is true for every sub-array | expr_arr_any |
Retrieve the index of the maximum value in every sub-array | expr_arr_arg_max |
Retrieve the index of the minimum value in every sub-array | expr_arr_arg_min |
Check if sub-arrays contain the given item | expr_arr_contains |
Count how often a value occurs in every sub-array | expr_arr_count_matches |
Explode array in separate rows | expr_arr_explode |
Get the first value of the sub-arrays | expr_arr_first |
Get the value by index in every sub-array | expr_arr_get |
Join elements in every sub-array | expr_arr_join |
Get the last value of the sub-arrays | expr_arr_last |
Compute the max value of the sub-arrays | expr_arr_max |
Compute the median value of the sub-arrays | expr_arr_median |
Compute the min value of the sub-arrays | expr_arr_min |
Count the number of unique values in every sub-array | expr_arr_n_unique |
Reverse values in every sub-array | expr_arr_reverse |
Shift values in every sub-array by the given number of indices | expr_arr_shift |
Sort values in every sub-array | expr_arr_sort |
Compute the standard deviation of the sub-arrays | expr_arr_std |
Compute the sum of the sub-arrays | expr_arr_sum |
Convert an Array column into a List column with the same inner data type | expr_arr_to_list |
Get the unique values in every sub-array | expr_arr_unique |
Compute the variance of the sub-arrays | expr_arr_var |
Check if binaries contain a binary substring | expr_bin_contains |
Decode values using the provided encoding | expr_bin_decode |
Encode a value using the provided encoding | expr_bin_encode |
Check if string values end with a binary substring | expr_bin_ends_with |
Get the size of binary values in the given unit | expr_bin_size |
Check if values start with a binary substring | expr_bin_starts_with |
Get the categories stored in this data type | expr_cat_get_categories |
Set Ordering | expr_cat_set_ordering |
Offset by 'n' business days. | expr_dt_add_business_days |
Base offset from UTC | expr_dt_base_utc_offset |
Change time unit | expr_dt_cast_time_unit |
Extract the century from underlying representation | expr_dt_century |
Combine Date and Time | expr_dt_combine |
Convert to given time zone for an expression of type Datetime | expr_dt_convert_time_zone |
Extract date from date(time) | expr_dt_date |
Extract day from underlying Date representation | expr_dt_day |
Daylight savings offset from UTC | expr_dt_dst_offset |
Get epoch of given Datetime | expr_dt_epoch |
Extract hour from underlying Datetime representation | expr_dt_hour |
Determine whether the year of the underlying date is a leap year | expr_dt_is_leap_year |
Extract ISO year from underlying Date representation | expr_dt_iso_year |
Extract microseconds from underlying Datetime representation | expr_dt_microsecond |
Extract milliseconds from underlying Datetime representation | expr_dt_millisecond |
Extract minute from underlying Datetime representation | expr_dt_minute |
Extract month from underlying Date representation | expr_dt_month |
Roll forward to the last day of the month | expr_dt_month_end |
Roll backward to the first day of the month | expr_dt_month_start |
Extract nanoseconds from underlying Datetime representation | expr_dt_nanosecond |
Offset a date by a relative time offset | expr_dt_offset_by |
Extract ordinal day from underlying Date representation | expr_dt_ordinal_day |
Extract quarter from underlying Date representation | expr_dt_quarter |
Replace time zone for an expression of type Datetime | expr_dt_replace_time_zone |
Round datetime | expr_dt_round |
Extract seconds from underlying Datetime representation | expr_dt_second |
Convert a Date/Time/Datetime/Duration column into a String column with the given format | expr_dt_strftime |
Extract time | expr_dt_time |
Get timestamp in the given time unit | expr_dt_timestamp |
Convert a Date/Time/Datetime/Duration column into a String column with the given format | expr_dt_to_string |
Extract the days from a Duration type | expr_dt_total_days |
Extract the hours from a Duration type | expr_dt_total_hours |
Extract the microseconds from a Duration type | expr_dt_total_microseconds |
Extract the milliseconds from a Duration type | expr_dt_total_milliseconds |
Extract the minutes from a Duration type | expr_dt_total_minutes |
Extract the nanoseconds from a Duration type | expr_dt_total_nanoseconds |
Extract the seconds from a Duration type | expr_dt_total_seconds |
Truncate datetime | expr_dt_truncate |
Extract week from underlying Date representation | expr_dt_week |
Extract weekday from underlying Date representation | expr_dt_weekday |
Set time unit of a Series of dtype Datetime or Duration | expr_dt_with_time_unit |
Extract year from underlying Date representation | expr_dt_year |
Evaluate whether all boolean values in a sub-list are true | expr_list_all |
Evaluate whether any boolean value in a sub-list is true | expr_list_any |
Retrieve the index of the maximum value in every sub-list | expr_list_arg_max |
Retrieve the index of the minimum value in every sub-list | expr_list_arg_min |
Concat the lists into a new list | expr_list_concat |
Check if sub-lists contains a given value | expr_list_contains |
Count how often a value produced occurs | expr_list_count_matches |
Compute difference between sub-list values | expr_list_diff |
Drop all null values in every sub-list | expr_list_drop_nulls |
Run any polars expression on the sub-lists' values | expr_list_eval |
Returns a column with a separate row for every list element | expr_list_explode |
Get the first value of the sub-lists | expr_list_first |
Get several values by index in every sub-list | expr_list_gather |
Take every 'n'-th value starting from offset in sub-lists | expr_list_gather_every |
Get the value by index in every sub-list | expr_list_get |
Slice the first 'n' values of every sub-list | expr_list_head |
Join elements of every sub-list | expr_list_join |
Get the last value of the sub-lists | expr_list_last |
Return the number of elements in each sub-list | expr_list_len |
Compute the maximum value in every sub-list | expr_list_max |
Compute the mean value in every sub-list | expr_list_mean |
Compute the median in every sub-list | expr_list_median |
Compute the miminum value in every sub-list | expr_list_min |
Count the number of unique values in every sub-lists | expr_list_n_unique |
Reverse values in every sub-list | expr_list_reverse |
Sample values from every sub-list | expr_list_sample |
Compute the set difference between elements of a list and other elements | expr_list_set_difference |
Compute the intersection between elements of a list and other elements | expr_list_set_intersection |
Compute the set symmetric difference between elements of a list and other elements | expr_list_set_symmetric_difference |
Compute the union of elements of a list and other elements | expr_list_set_union |
Shift list values by the given number of indices | expr_list_shift |
Slice every sub-list | expr_list_slice |
Sort values in every sub-list | expr_list_sort |
Compute the standard deviation in every sub-list | expr_list_std |
Sum all elements in every sub-list | expr_list_sum |
Slice the last 'n' values of every sub-list | expr_list_tail |
Convert a List column into an Array column with the same inner data type | expr_list_to_array |
Get unique values in a list | expr_list_unique |
Compute the variance in every sub-list | expr_list_var |
Indicate if this expression is the same as another expression | expr_meta_eq |
Indicate if this expression expands into multiple expressions | expr_meta_has_multiple_outputs |
Indicate if this expression is a basic (non-regex) unaliased column | expr_meta_is_column |
Indicate if this expression only selects columns (optionally with aliasing) | expr_meta_is_column_selection |
Indicate if this expression expands to columns that match a regex pattern | expr_meta_is_regex_projection |
Indicate if this expression is not the same as another expression | expr_meta_ne |
Get the column name that this expression would produce | expr_meta_output_name |
Pop the latest expression and return the input(s) of the popped expression | expr_meta_pop |
Get a list with the root column name | expr_meta_root_names |
Serialize this expression to a string in binary or JSON format | expr_meta_serialize |
Format the expression as a tree | expr_meta_tree_format |
Undo any renaming operation like 'alias' or 'name$keep' | expr_meta_undo_aliases |
Keep the original root name of the expression. | expr_name_keep |
Add a prefix to a column name | expr_name_prefix |
Add a prefix to all fields name of a struct | expr_name_prefix_fields |
Add a suffix to a column name | expr_name_suffix |
Add a suffix to all fields name of a struct | expr_name_suffix_fields |
Make the root column name lowercase | expr_name_to_lowercase |
Make the root column name uppercase | expr_name_to_uppercase |
Check if string contains a substring that matches a pattern | expr_str_contains |
Use the Aho-Corasick algorithm to find matches | expr_str_contains_any |
Count all successive non-overlapping regex matches | expr_str_count_matches |
Decode a value using the provided encoding | expr_str_decode |
Encode a value using the provided encoding | expr_str_encode |
Check if string ends with a regex | expr_str_ends_with |
Extract the target capture group from provided patterns | expr_str_extract |
Extract all matches for the given regex pattern | expr_str_extract_all |
Extract all capture groups for the given regex pattern | expr_str_extract_groups |
Use the Aho-Corasick algorithm to extract matches | expr_str_extract_many |
Return the index position of the first substring matching a pattern | expr_str_find |
Return the first n characters of each string | expr_str_head |
Vertically concatenate the string values in the column to a single string value. | expr_str_join |
Parse string values as JSON. | expr_str_json_decode |
Extract the first match of JSON string with the provided JSONPath expression | expr_str_json_path_match |
Get the number of bytes in strings | expr_str_len_bytes |
Get the number of characters in strings | expr_str_len_chars |
Left justify strings | expr_str_pad_end |
Right justify strings | expr_str_pad_start |
Replace first matching regex/literal substring with a new string value | expr_str_replace |
Replace all matching regex/literal substrings with a new string value | expr_str_replace_all |
Use the Aho-Corasick algorithm to replace many matches | expr_str_replace_many |
Returns string values in reversed order | expr_str_reverse |
Create subslices of the string values of a String Series | expr_str_slice |
Split the string by a substring | expr_str_split |
Split the string by a substring using 'n' splits | expr_str_split_exact |
Split the string by a substring, restricted to returning at most 'n' items | expr_str_splitn |
Check if string starts with a regex | expr_str_starts_with |
Strip leading and trailing characters | expr_str_strip_chars |
Strip trailing characters | expr_str_strip_chars_end |
Strip leading characters | expr_str_strip_chars_start |
Strip prefix | expr_str_strip_prefix |
Strip suffix | expr_str_strip_suffix |
Convert a String column into a Date/Datetime/Time column. | expr_str_strptime |
Return the last n characters of each string | expr_str_tail |
Convert a String column into a Date column | expr_str_to_date |
Convert a String column into a Datetime column | expr_str_to_datetime |
Convert a String column into a Decimal column | expr_str_to_decimal |
Convert a String column into an Int64 column with base radix | expr_str_to_integer |
Convert a string to lowercase | expr_str_to_lowercase |
Convert a String column into a Time column | expr_str_to_time |
Convert a string to uppercase | expr_str_to_uppercase |
Fills the string with zeroes. | expr_str_zfill |
Retrieve one or multiple Struct field(s) as a new Series | expr_struct_field |
Convert this struct to a string column with json values | expr_struct_json_encode |
Rename the fields of the struct | expr_struct_rename_fields |
Expand the struct into its individual fields | expr_struct_unnest |
Add or overwrite fields of this struct | expr_struct_with_fields |
Infer Polars DataType corresponding to a given R object | infer_polars_dtype infer_polars_dtype.ArrowTabular infer_polars_dtype.AsIs infer_polars_dtype.default infer_polars_dtype.list infer_polars_dtype.nanoarrow_array infer_polars_dtype.nanoarrow_array_stream infer_polars_dtype.NULL infer_polars_dtype.polars_data_frame infer_polars_dtype.polars_lazy_frame infer_polars_dtype.polars_series infer_polars_dtype.RecordBatchReader infer_polars_dtype.vctrs_vctr is_convertible_to_polars_expr is_convertible_to_polars_series |
Return the 'k' smallest rows | lazyframe__bottom_k |
Cast LazyFrame column(s) to the specified dtype(s) | lazyframe__cast |
Create an empty or 'n'-row null-filled copy of the frame | lazyframe__clear |
Clone a LazyFrame | lazyframe__clone |
Materialize this LazyFrame into a DataFrame | lazyframe__collect |
Resolve the schema of this LazyFrame | lazyframe__collect_schema |
Return the number of non-null elements for each column | lazyframe__count |
Creates a summary of statistics for a LazyFrame, returning a DataFrame. | lazyframe__describe |
Remove columns | lazyframe__drop |
Drop all rows that contain NaN values | lazyframe__drop_nans |
Drop all rows that contain null values | lazyframe__drop_nulls |
Create a string representation of the query plan | lazyframe__explain |
Explode the frame to long format by exploding the given columns | lazyframe__explode |
Fill floating point 'NaN' value with a fill value | lazyframe__fill_nan |
Fill null values using the specified value or strategy | lazyframe__fill_null |
Filter the rows in the LazyFrame based on a predicate expression | lazyframe__filter |
Get the first row of the LazyFrame | lazyframe__first |
Take every nth row in the LazyFrame | lazyframe__gather_every |
Start a group by operation | lazyframe__group_by |
Group based on a date/time or integer column | lazyframe__group_by_dynamic |
Get the first 'n' rows | lazyframe__head lazyframe__limit |
Interpolate intermediate values | lazyframe__interpolate |
Join LazyFrames | lazyframe__join |
Perform joins on nearest keys | lazyframe__join_asof |
Perform a join based on one or multiple (in)equality predicates | lazyframe__join_where |
Get the last row of the LazyFrame | lazyframe__last |
Aggregate the columns in the LazyFrame to their maximum value | lazyframe__max |
Aggregate the columns in the LazyFrame to their mean value | lazyframe__mean |
Aggregate the columns in the LazyFrame to their median value | lazyframe__median |
Take two sorted LazyFrames and merge them by the sorted key | lazyframe__merge_sorted |
Aggregate the columns in the LazyFrame to their minimum value | lazyframe__min |
Return the number of null elements for each column | lazyframe__null_count |
Collect and profile a lazy query | lazyframe__profile |
Aggregate the columns to a unique quantile value | lazyframe__quantile |
Rename column names | lazyframe__rename |
Reverse the LazyFrame | lazyframe__reverse |
Create rolling groups based on a date/time or integer column | lazyframe__rolling |
Select and modify columns of a LazyFrame | lazyframe__select |
Select columns from this LazyFrame | lazyframe__select_seq |
Serialize the logical plan of this LazyFrame to a string in JSON format | lazyframe__serialize |
Indicate that one or multiple columns are sorted | lazyframe__set_sorted |
Shift values by the given number of indices | lazyframe__shift |
Evaluate the query in streaming mode and write to a CSV file | lazyframe__sink_csv |
Evaluate the query in streaming mode and write to an Arrow IPC file | lazyframe__sink_ipc |
Evaluate the query in streaming mode and write to a NDJSON file | lazyframe__sink_ndjson |
Get a slice of the LazyFrame. | lazyframe__slice |
Sort the LazyFrame by the given columns | lazyframe__sort |
Execute a SQL query against the LazyFrame | lazyframe__sql |
Aggregate the columns of this LazyFrame to their standard deviation values | lazyframe__std |
Aggregate the columns of this LazyFrame to their sum values | lazyframe__sum |
Get the last 'n' rows. | lazyframe__tail |
Plot the query plan | lazyframe__to_dot |
Return the 'k' largest rows | lazyframe__top_k |
Drop duplicate rows | lazyframe__unique |
Decompose struct columns into separate columns for each of their fields | lazyframe__unnest |
Unpivot a frame from wide to long format | lazyframe__unpivot |
Aggregate the columns in the LazyFrame to their variance value | lazyframe__var |
Modify/append column(s) of a LazyFrame | lazyframe__with_columns |
Modify/append column(s) of a LazyFrame | lazyframe__with_columns_seq |
Add a row index as the first column in the LazyFrame | lazyframe__with_row_index |
Evaluate the query in streaming mode and write to a Parquet file | lazyframe__sink_parquet parquet_statistics |
Polars top-level function namespace | pl |
Either return an expression representing all columns, or evaluate a bitwise AND operation | pl__all |
Apply the AND logical horizontally across columns | pl__all_horizontal |
Evaluate a bitwise OR operation | pl__any |
Apply the OR logical horizontally across columns | pl__any_horizontal |
Return the row indices that would sort the column(s) | pl__arg_sort_by |
Return indices where 'condition' evaluates to 'TRUE' | pl__arg_where |
Folds the columns from left to right, keeping the first non-null value | pl__coalesce |
Create an expression representing column(s) in a DataFrame | pl__col |
Combine multiple DataFrames, LazyFrames, or Series into a single object | pl__concat |
Horizontally concatenate columns into a single list column | pl__concat_list |
Horizontally concatenate columns into a single string column | pl__concat_str |
Cumulatively sum all values | pl__cum_sum |
Polars DataFrame class ('polars_data_frame') | DataFrame pl__DataFrame polars_data_frame |
Generate a date range | pl__date_range |
Create a column of date ranges | pl__date_ranges |
Create a Polars literal expression of type Datetime | pl__datetime |
Generate a datetime range | pl__datetime_range |
Generate a list containing a datetime range | pl__datetime_ranges |
Create polars Duration from distinct time components | pl__duration |
Alias for an element being evaluated in an eval expression | pl__element |
Get the first column of the context | pl__first |
Generate a range of integers | pl__int_range |
Generate a range of integers for each row of the input columns | pl__int_ranges |
Get the last column of the context | pl__last |
Polars LazyFrame class ('polars_lazy_frame') | LazyFrame pl__LazyFrame polars_lazy_frame |
Return the number of rows in the context$ | pl__len |
Return an expression representing a literal value | pl__lit |
Get the maximum value | pl__max |
Get the maximum value horizontally across columns | pl__max_horizontal |
Compute the mean horizontally across columns | pl__mean_horizontal |
Get the minimum value | pl__min |
Get the minimum value horizontally across columns | pl__min_horizontal |
Get the nth column(s) of the context | pl__nth |
New DataFrame from CSV | pl__read_csv |
Read into a DataFrame from Arrow IPC (Feather v2) file | pl__read_ipc |
Read into a DataFrame from Arrow IPC stream format | pl__read_ipc_stream |
Read into a DataFrame from NDJSON file | pl__read_ndjson |
Read into a DataFrame from Parquet file | pl__read_parquet |
Construct a column of length n`` filled with the given value | pl__repeat_ |
Lazily read from a CSV file or multiple files via glob patterns | pl__scan_csv |
Lazily read from an Arrow IPC (Feather v2) file or multiple files via glob patterns | pl__scan_ipc |
Lazily read from a local or cloud-hosted NDJSON file(s) | pl__scan_ndjson |
Lazily read from a local or cloud-hosted parquet file (or files) | pl__scan_parquet |
Polars Series class ('polars_series') | pl__Series polars_series Series |
Print out the version of Polars and its optional dependencies | pl__show_versions |
Initialize a new 'SQLContext' | pl__SQLContext |
Collect columns into a struct column | pl__struct |
Sum all values | pl__sum |
Compute the sum horizontally across columns | pl__sum_horizontal |
Generate a time range | pl__time_range |
Create a column of time ranges | pl__time_ranges |
Registering custom functionality with a polars Series | pl_api_register_series_namespace |
Polars DataType class ('polars_dtype') | DataType pl__Array pl__Categorical pl__Datetime pl__Decimal pl__Duration pl__Enum pl__List pl__Struct polars_dtype |
The Polars duration string language | polars_duration_string |
Polars expression class ('polars_expr') | Expr expression polars_expr |
Rename the Series | series__alias series__rename |
Get the length of each individual chunk | series__chunk_lengths |
Get the number of chunks that this Series contains | series__n_chunks |
Create a single chunk of memory for this Series | series__rechunk |
Cast this Series to a DataFrame | series__to_frame |
Export the Series as an R vector | series__to_r_vector |
Convert this struct Series to a DataFrame with a separate column for each field | series_struct_unnest |
Parse the given SQL query and execute it against the registered frame data | sql_context__execute |
Register a single frame as a table, using the given name | sql_context__register |
Register multiple eager/lazy frames as tables, using the associated names | sql_context__register_many |
Return a list of the registered table names | sql_context__tables |